Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ancient Imperialism

Ancient Imperialism may be the worst subject I've ever done - why did I continue it after the three week subject change deadline?

Well... at the beginning of every semester, you feel as though you can accomplish anything. It's the usual 'No sweat, I'll get those assignments in on time this semester, I won't miss a lecture, I'll go above and beyond my requirements and get an H.D average.'

Then you've been at uni for not even half a semester; after the one Easter holiday break it's all nuh-uh sistah, I'm jaded as hell and it's only what? Week six? Maybe we'd be happier about going back after our meagre little 'holiday' if we got as many weeks off as UTS or Mac? I don't know if it's really an incentive to change, seeing as they're both not particularly good universities (although club Mac's Ancient History masters does look really enticing - as does their Egyptology Dept.)... Would I do better if I had a more relaxing break? And by break I mean, more time to do my assignments in? I decided, probably not. The only reason I'd do any better at UTS or Mac would be because their don't have as much expected of them. And would I really be thinking 'oh man, totally want to do that assignment 'cos I'm here at home for an extra week'? No. I really think not.

So, good luck to me and Leanne for tomorrow. We really need it... then we can kiss this sorry subject goodbye.

antibiotics = terrible

A few weeks ago, around my birthday, I became quite ill, in about a thousand different ways...
On the weekend that I first started to feel 'under the weather' (such a euphemism in this scenario), I was getting a bit of a cold, but it seemed to leave me, so the next day I decided to go to my boyfriend's house.
The night that I was there, we decided to go and see a film, I felt quite anxious and odd. (I later learnt this is called an 'aura' when about to get a migraine.
When we got home and went to bed, I felt extreme pressure building on my nasal bridge and temples, I felt like I was about to explode, but I didn't seem to have anything blocking my nose...
Eventually I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up with the worst period pain I have ever had in my life, topped off with a migraine. That day I was meant to be finishing an essay, which is an extremely difficult task when you feel that awful.
The migraine finally left me the next day, however by then the flu had made it's way back into my life. Essay still not completed, however I decided it would be easier to write when blocked up and snotty, rather than with a migraine, so that Thursday night I stayed up until 4am writing it. By this stage I had been prescribed antibiotics, mega huge 1gram ones.
Friday, 8am wake, sister's graduation ceremony and lunch + a glass of wine.
Felt completely awful.
The illness went away, but now, two weeks on, I've been attacked by something so lovely, from the antibiotics, which won't go away.

This. Is. Shit.